Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Drive-In Movie

I have wanted to go to a Drive-In movie for a long time. My husband has been resisting. He remembers just sitting in a car and not being able to hear. Well, I finally convinced him to give it a chance and....he even wants to go back!
Last weekend we went to the Skyview Drive-In located in Belleville, IL. My kids thought it was the best thing ever! It helped that Skyview has a big playground (and that some of our friends ended up being there as well).  We set up the lawn chairs, blankets, pillows and food in the trunk of the van and had a great time, even with a little rain.
This was perfect for my kids! They want to see movies, but have a hard time sitting through them. This way they could play on the playground until it started, then move around in the car or chairs while not bothering other people. Plus, it's a great deal! They were free, $10 a piece for my husband and I, you can bring in your own food, and it's a double feature!


jamie @ [kreyv] said...

Sounds like so much fun. I didn't even know there were drive-ins! That's the way to go with kids!

Andrea said...

Utah has destroyed almost all their drive ins. I'm Jealous!

Jen@Because I can said...

Drive Ins are awesome! Are you guys up for Cars 2? :)